Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Turning On The Heat.

Alright, I'm getting myself back in the habit of blogging daily.

So, now that I know what to expect for NaNo, I have been thinking of ways to turn the heat up and make it extra challenging. For starters, I think I should *double* the word count goal. And then make every Thursday in November a 10K day. That should keep the fire under my ass.

Once I figure out what I'm writing about.


This lack-of-plot thing is starting to worry me. It's how I know I'm not a writer at heart, I have no good ideas.

I have a bunch of mixes in hand from my producer. I'm afraid to listen to them, for a few reasons. Tomorrow I'll get a nice glass of wine, turn the lights down low, and listen.

I finished Lolita today. It took me a long, long time to get past the ick factor and get into this book, but I'm glad I stuck with it. Man, Nabokov gets my vote, for turning this vile man into such a sympathetic character. By the end, my heart was breaking for him.

Nabokov - now *there's* a guy who never lacked for literary ideas.

Off to listen
for the plot whisperers,


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