Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reaching a Lull.

Sue Grafton was right on time with this week's pep talk:

...Many writers begin their novels with a burst of enthusiasm. There's a measurable outpouring of time and energy...This hype, this glorious feeling of Omnipotence sometimes continues unabated until Chapter Two. By then, most puzzingly, I might notice something is a miss. You may find yourself in a similar position at this point in the game. Whether you've written a thousand words or ten thousand, you may find yourself faltering. A little note of doubt may creep into your consciousness..."

Well, yes. A little note of doubt has crept into my consciousness. I'm still wondering if my plot is strong enough. If my events are logical enough. Every chapter, I'm describing someone doing something I don't know how to do: how do you plant a tree? What's it like in the hub of one of those big construction diggers? Later on, I'll have to talk about nuclear fusion. Or is it nuclear fission? I'm deciding that a rare astronomical event is necessary to bring my dark horse out of the sky's shadows, and, you guessed it, I know *zilch* about astronomy. It's going to take months of research to get this all exactly right.

The honest truth is, I get to this point with all my projects, the bloom is gone off the rose, and the amount of work ahead and the meager skill I have become glaringly obvious. Things seem daunting, and a cup of coffee and then bed are more attractive options than working on the project (in this case, the novel).

Scene and Structure has really turned my head around, given me concrete pointers on how to up my game. I'm re-examining each scene, seeing if there are ways I can bring out or introduce conflict, or clarify the cause and effect from moment to moment. I'm getting little glimpses here and there, trying to tighten the bolts down on my plot. I'm not sure it's there yet.

I'm also not sure there's a point in starting again - I know I'll need at least one more draft before this story is fully readable. But, I just realized in horror that I'm only approaching Chapter Four, and there are twelve looonnnng chapters ahead. I must put some speed on.

My work week ends today, and I'm putting Chapter Four (7000 words or more, if all goes well) on deck for tomorrow. It's the least I can do with the whole day free, I suppose. I'm recommitting to see myself through this lull.

It's 11:11 on 11/11.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Don't worry about the story at this point. Once you finish the first draft, then go over your outline and see what holes you need to fill, what subplots you can use to enhance the story, etc.

It's all in the editing. Keep writing. :-)