Monday, November 12, 2007

Writing Through.

Well, that was interesting.

I came home after work last night, played a little guitar. At around 11, I just thought I'd try to get in a few hundred words before going to bed. A few hundred became a thousand. Started writing at 7am this morning, got in about a thousand words before going back to sleep until 9am. After Functional Coffee and The Requisite Cheese Sandwich, I started working again at 10am, and logged probably another thousand before looking up a few minutes ago and realizing that it's after one o'clock in the afternoon.


Where does the time go?

To Chapter Four, apparently, which is half done (without feeling like I was getting blood drawn). It's going to take another 2K to finish it today, and I'm hoping to do that.

In the interest of balance, I'm also hoping to get a few other things done as well. Make some calls, pay some bills, write some emails. In an ideal world, demo a song or two. I'll take a break, and then start again around 6pm or so.

I'm sending positive vibes and a cyberhug out to my writing pal, whose novel got lost. Thousands and thousands of words. I'm crossing my fingers every minute, hoping his Tech friends can get it back for him from the digital void.

Big hug, Friend. I feel it like a hole in my chest.



Unknown said...

Yay that you got past the lull. do you know I didn't realize you were blogging the whole time too? Wow!

Today is slow at work and instead of nano-writing, I'm procrastinating a little. :)

Jules. said...

Hey Clarice!

I am a bloggin' fool! I would add significantly to my word count if I wrote more instead of blogging ever day.

Hee hee!

Coming to the Wednesday meetup? I'm going to try to be there.

See you soon,