Friday, February 13, 2009

FAWM - Day 13.

Drat. I could have sent a Day 12 post a few minutes ago.



I've been working all day on the sexiest track I've ever created. There is deep, deep groove here, I don't even know how it happened.

This song has been kicking around in pieces for a few years, I guess. It's inspired by Neil Gaiman's Sandman, kind-of a question to him and an answer all at the same time. There are, seriously, like, 35 tracks total. And now I have to go through and strategically bring them in and out. It's going to take an hour. Or maybe hours.

I announced on Charlie's show tonight that I'm going to post four songs tomorrow. Quite ambitious, perhaps. Ack. But, I've been playing around with these four songs in my head all day. The lyrics are finished, and I know how I'm going to approach the recordings of each. That's half the battle.

What was up with the wind today? I'm so sorry I had to be out in the crap. But, I went to my mailbox and picked up the Shannon Wright record I ordered. She's awesome.

Okay. So. I'm off to see the wizard. Cross your fingers for me.


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