Friday, February 06, 2009

FAWM - Day 6. Um....


We're midday here.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. There are about four songs I'm working on at the same time. None of them are particularly interesting, and I know that's not the point, but it's hard keeping that inner buoy up long enough to finish any of them.

Bad news - I am actually working Sunday. So I have today and tomorrow to do as many songs as possible. Hm. I was shooting for another four, but I'm kinda stalling right now. It would be great to finish two or three.

I had a lovely chicken pesto omelette for breakfast this morning. I'm not the best cook, and am mildly suprised when something I make is really good.

My spelling is getting really bad, along with my handwriting. I pulled out some old songwriting journals, the writing is crystal clear. The current journal is much worse. There are things I've written down that I have just not been able to decipher.

Decline? Is it?

(More importantly, is there a song in it?)

4pm. Lunch?


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