Saturday, April 11, 2009

Notes from a Rainy Saturday.

It's been raining cats and dogs all morning.

And, a garbage bag full of cat litter broke open as I was trying to take it down six flights of stairs.

Still, I am giddy-giddy-happy today, I am a bouncy MoonGirl tripping along the floor of Atlantis, taking in all the sights.

Went to the Whitney last night with a buddy, and wow. Jenny Holzer's Protect Protect was about nine kinds of amazing. I won't tell you anything about it, except to go witness, if at all possible:

The Whitney felt like a celebratory exercise after finally getting my taxes filed yesterday.

I almost never have the occasion to go up to Spanish Harlem; usually my accountant is in his office at Grand Central. Yesterday, though, I went uptown. This is an area not yet colonized by Starbucks and The Gap. Delicious food smells from small, non-chain family restaurants basically carried me down the street. The look of the neigborhood is still a bit unpolished, but I whispered a silent *thanks* that there are areas of New York that are a bit rough around the edges still.

I found my accountant's office. Was there about half an hour; the most painful part of my visit was the shockingly bad episode of CSI (or one of those other cop shows with annoying actors and bad dialogue) I had to sit through while waiting. Had a few laughs with him, he gave me what I considered great news, and I bounced out of his office.

God bless e-filing.

Ticked a few items off the to do list this week! Have to re-jig the list tomorrow and get down to it. I'm thinking of going through all my email accounts and getting rid of extraneous messages.

This is not a small task.

I should be making more (any?) music, but I'm not going to push it. I have been notebooking all week, picking out lines of conversation to scribble down right away.

That makes me feel like I'm doing my job.


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