Monday, April 06, 2009

A Focus Problem.

Okay. I'm having a focus problem.

My list of things to do is growing so long that it's stunning me into silence.

Never mind the higher order concerns.

I *never* feel like I get enough sleep these days, as well.

It's nearly 4:30pm and I've forgotten to eat lunch.

Hm. Need. Focus. First. Food.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you figure this one out, teach me.

Some abridged tips from "Pragmatic Thinking & Learning":

* "Time is just something you allocate. It's not that we're out of time; we're out of attention."

* "Focus on now."

But the weirdest one for me was:

* Meditation helps. (Vipassana meditation? Focus only on your breath; no extra thoughts. Shut down the chatter.)

It's hard to do, but it does seem to help me focus.